Many organizations are taking a hard look at legacy applications including applications built on Java. Running Java applications in the cloud is complex and can be challenging. Organizations are planning to migrate and modernizer their Java applications on Azure.

Quick Application Discovery Service

Cambay Consulting’s Quick Application Discovery helps customers plan their Java Application migration to Azure. Our 1-Week discovery service is designed to understand your current application estate, dig into your existing applications, and provide you with the information you need to migrate Java applications to the Azure Cloud successfully

Assessment Approach

Day 1
  • Collect Docs & Study

  • Discuss with App stakeholder (QnA)

  • Browse Application

Day 2
  • Identify the application, platform, tools, technologies (OS, etc.)

  • Understand business objectives of application

Day 3
  • Create high-level discovery report

  • Discussion with customer stakeholders on

  • target state

Day 4
  • Analyze target state

  • Understand EA compliance

  • Current status of cloud subscription

Day 5
  • Create high-level recommendation & next steps

  • Discussion with customer stakeholders about next steps


High-level Discovery Report
High-level Discovery Report

High-level recommendation
High-level recommendation

Next Steps
Next Steps

Ready to migrate your Java Applications to Azure and Transform?

Schedule Consultation